Fanzine from United States

- First issue: 1965

Full info

Issue 1
January 1965

Loaded with photos and features: "House of Wax", "Academy Award Checklist" - horror films that received Oscar attention, "Forbidden Planet", "The Fly" - rare artists original concept sketch for the Fly mask, The International Science Fiction Film Festival ("Attack of the Puppet People", "Ikaria", "X the Man With X-Ray Eyes", "The Amphibious Man", "The Man of the First Century", "Masters of Venus", "Pocket Love", "The Runway", "The Damned", "First Men in the Moon", "Hypothesis", "Quatermass II", "Robinson Crusoe on Mars", "The Silent Star", "The First Pavillion", "Atoragon", "Matango", "One Night by Chance", and "Steps to the Moon" ), "Humorous Horrors", Robinson Crusoe on Mars, "Mike Wallace Interviews Mike Ripps" and more.

Last updated:
18 March 2013

Special thanks for this page goes to:
Garry Malvern
Scott Matheson

All magazine covers are copyrighted by their publishers. No rights are given or implied. They are presented here for their historical significance and the edification of magazine fans and collectors, everywhere.